Day 3 - Triple fun triple madness

Hoehyeon – City Hall – Deoksugung – Art museum – Myeongdong – Namdaemun

Woke up a little later on day 3, after shopping for super long hours last night at Dongdaemun area we planned on sightseeing on day 3 to control our expenses in case we need it more, we encountered that all atms are not working for us in Korea, realizing only after we came back we need to activate the plus sign that stated behind our debit or atm cards.  So travelers beware! If you happen to have this problem over there, call your bank immediately to activate your plus sign card and you will be able to withdraw it at ease, but a word of advice, have spare cash with you and go to those money changer that are on the street (not those literally street side, they have those really on the street kind of money changer) which is a shop kind. Bank rates are definitely not worth it!

We proceed to city hall area that is in the central area of Seoul (if I am not worng about this) as we head toward the Deoksugung palace we heard the drumming sound, both of us were excited to see the performance by the Korean martial art school guys, they were doing the hand over for the palace guard.

impressive culture. 

 I love the korean traditional culture and the palace that they conserve so beautifully. After the palace visit we thought of having lunch nearby but I got my craving for Bibim naeng myun at Myeongdong we then walk to the side of the palace hearing loud drum sound, we thought there was a performance at the side we saw like a large group of elderly doing protest, kinda can't figure what they say on the banner then we walk further down which there is the korea art museum.

after the visit at the museum, it was a fast walk there, we didn't really enjoy much there but there is some impressive artist over there. We went to myeongdong to have lunch and shop there after. Nothing much on day 3. 

We head back dongdaemun after myeongdong to carry on our "mission" shopping and mandy is looking for her sister's skirt. A fail attempt on HelloAPm and good morning city, we went over to doota mall to shop. After shopping "again", we went back to our hostel feeling happy with our goods.

"pardon me on my bad english"

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