After weeks of classes in lasalle, i got a change in a view of art photography, what is art? is photography a part of art? why is it so? if it is, then what does in constitute art and photography? is that concept? Think again? Does conceptual exists? So what is that?

I'm not a very texts person and i don't like texts so much, i can't really write well but.... Well i got no choice but to write proposals and essays in school, thats part of my school thing, i hate it but still got to do it, it seems like a secondary school thing and lots of self-discipline is needed to complete the work, no one will rush you, but then you need to submit by a certain dateline, so yeah i have to start doing my work and can't be bother with else thing. Oh and i need to do drawing too! (WTF right?)

After last night with bel,jev,shaun and shui sheng, come to think of it, i really got not much friend around me, who are the close one? my real friend? trust? hmmm, well i guess not many who knew me are really my friend or shall i say it's crap and bullshit?

For you to think for you to find out, count how many friends you really got and the one you really hang out with the most, laugh with, cry with, heart to heart talk with and show care and concern for you.



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