Films @ ASA400 Oly om2

Many of this random shots were done during testing the ISO400 Fujifilm, yes... films!
i love it!

After spending some time in Lasalle, I'm really thinking hard, life is really just so short, every images that you or me that capture, it captures the moment, where it stay still and became memories, the next time you see me or someone else you have taken might be gone forever, treasure what you do and what you think is good, you can do whatever you want to, you never know when is your next moment, it might not happen anymore.

Good or bad you decide, there might not be another day for you.

C'est la vie! ; That's life!

i have been thinking where do we go after we die? is there really heaven and hell? What if there isn't any? what do you feel when you are dead? do you still see? can you feel? what do you see? god? is there? or it's just empty space.... that's all you feel....

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