Pre Christmas present

Looking for something new? Not very new actually, christmas is around the corner and well I'm sure many of us are looking for presents for friends and family. Take a closer look at Happy socks! they have been doing quite a number of designs for the seasons, check out the website. And this time terry richardson is doing for their lookbook!

Pretty creative and amazing shoot. love how they style them up with the socks. Also happy socks offer christmas stocking but they are for sales unless you buy 4 pairs of socks or 2 leggings and it comes with it with a selection. Now available through Happy Socks directly or selected retailers.

Another choice is that you can also look at Ayame sock, a high quality socks from japan. Colorful and beautiful design. You either buy it online or if you are in singapore check out Front Row @ Raffles hotel singapore.


Pretty isn't it? Be sure to check them out!

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