Essential I need

The very first of all, I must say that I need a proper equipment or my work horse to take more "nicer" photos.

the 50 normal portrait lens, a wide F1.4 aperture

A 70-200mm telephoto for concert or fashion, needless to say a F2.8 (below)

Of cos, a 35mm F1.4 is a need in the bag.

And of cause, the M7 is just a want. Who doesn't want a good crazy workhorse?

A dream workhorse if the company would kindly sponser will be of cause this.

A hassy with just prime lens. BEAUTY BEAST!

And enough of the gear madness, some essentials that I feel nice to own. Even thou this might not happen for me. It's more of the things I like to have actually.

Ahhh...Of cos, I am crazy about leathers. Forget about other materials. JUST LEATHER!

of cos not!!! just kidding.

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