Cont' Day 4

Walk past this like don't know how many times a day, finally standing in front to snap a picture of him. Not sure why...

The station interior is damn cool with all the palace deco.

Finally at gyeongbokgung, pretty excited about the place and first time seeing real palace. Feeling so pretty about the place we took lots of lots of photos.

We ended up at the National folk museum which right at the other side, somehow love the feeling of being a tourist another country, you don't have workload and any stress and all. Taking a stroll just makes you feel so relaxed and with all the different things you see. 

This part is where all people pray for fertility.

Art uni with all the cool graffiti outside their construction site.

Real spicy chewy rice cake, our dinner...kinda off

Sunset and we are walking till the end of the road. Which leads us to...

 INSA DONG! Streets filled with art n craft and others.

The slanted building. Craft and stuff

We ended up at the cafe resting our feet enjoying good food.

checking out what is our next plan. Sadly we were almost out of cash but still....

Going to DONGDAEMUN!! Yes we went there to shop again, but this time we didn't manage to get anything. Just maybe socks? can't really recall this part. Went doota mall and i think I got some really nice clothings. But! we were crazy enough to walk back to our hostel. it took us really long way to walk back to nandaemun with some kind soul to show us the direction to walk back, we wanted to save money on cab but it's really a wrong move. 

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