Lazy again

It's been a long time I updated anything and feeling so lazy to write anything. Korea trip was fun and still feeling korea till now. Will be definitely going back to seoul next year again and this time I wish I can stay longer over at seoul. Been really busy with work after I came back, doing my own shoots and assisting in studio.

Recently just did a shoot for milk photographie for a music performance company, sightline theater. Was the photographer for them and we did some challenging setup with suspending the hassselblad over the talents, fun and enjoyed the shoots and we ended late. Did another product shots and it's really challenging due to all the reflections, don't really do products but it's interesting and long hours. Had a lot fun in Milk photographie and love meeting all sorts of people in the industry.

Some behind the scene i took.

Shooting together with tvc crew can really be tough sometimes.

Anyway will be updating more on my shoots. 

Checkout my site if you have time strangers.

Merry Christmas in advance!

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