Travel Work Joy Knowledge (27 June 16)

Day 1, 270616

It was a impromptu work trip as I received a call from my boss on that very day that I need to head to paris for work.

Next neither did I expect that I am on the 13hrs flight to paris for work, can't sleep on the flight as I was nervous and of cause excited as this is my first trip to paris, expecting a lot over there and well not on my full strength cause I need to work on that very day and fly straight in the night.

The very first thing when i reached paris I had to find my way out and text my boss upon my arrival. I was greeted by many unknown faces and of cos, touting of cabs/taxi is common over at paris, just need to ignore them or smile and walk away.

Pretending to be familiar with the way out, I got to look calm and find my exit to the taxi stand in the airport of CDG.

as you can see, paris is very gloomy on that day. Oh it was drizzling

The building was indeed very old and of cos, rich in historical values.

arriving somewhere near my apartment, oh did i mention i was staying at an apartment (Airbnb of cos)  , somewhere near all the showrooms are.

after going in and put down all my stuff, i gotta wash up and bathe to get ready for my work. Preparing the needs for the work, documents are all ready to let the boss review of his buying


the first showroom, we took quite awhile in the selections and considerations for buy.

My boss looking for his friend, also a designer in the scene.

Lunchtime after working hard...LOL

Welcome to Paris!

I ended my day practically still surviving after my eyes were sore and teary due to lack of sleep, and was awake for at least more than 24hrs.

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