Day 2 - Onwards to Naoshima!

-6th July-

"The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them."

After our hearty breakfast at Sunroute hotel, YES! they have got breakfast for you! if you wanna save money on a stay you can check out SUNROUTE Hotel. While making our way to take the Shinkansen, we took a walk and pass by this modernized temple. Quite cool thou.

everyone here is always in order and queue for transport

train towards Okayama port you will notice this cute padi field with a heart shape.

Here we arrive at Uno station

jellyfish season eh..

we got to wait for boat to arrived to pick us, initially i told my wife I thought we boarding at ship =(

not fair eh! but the fastest is the boat honestly

YES! finally here!! excited, unspeakable feeling, anyhow we are staying at the Benesse house park, you can choose to stay in the bag packing hostel if you wanna save up, but you got to share toilet or bedroom with others. 

Honestly, its a very nice hotel, but expensive one. We got a chance to stay here just to enjoy the artworks its a worth it for sure!

the bedroom is awesome!

some of this gallery is accessible to public but most of it you need the hotel card to enter. 

We are too excited to get all the Yayoi kusama gift for ourselves! wife is just going crazy over the collection. Must say we did bought quite a lot of it.

the park is full of artwork by different artist and for people who are into arts, you really need to come and experience yourself. 

Yayoi kusama's famous pumpkin

in fact the whole island is about art!

Triennale at Naoshima island -

we had our lunch at a nearby house/cafe, there is timing for the lunch so take note if you wanna have a good lunch.

we were here at the hottest period in japan, so if you happen to come during this period do dress simple and light.  Architecture design by ando is really interesting and uniquely placed in the island of naoshima

nice sunset at the top of the Benesse Museum

Hiroshi sugimoto

We went out of benesse hotel to have our dinner, sunset here is really early. BEWARE! because its an island there are not much street lights, so walk at your own risk after 630pm! 

We manage to navigate back to our hotel afterwards. Had an early night due to no night activities.

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